For Students
Leave your name and phone number at (914) 231 3264. Also, tell us when it is a good time for a callback.
Your call back will be with a program coordinator. In that discussion, we will work together to understand where you need to start and to know a bit about your reading goals. We’ll also ask you about how much time you can put toward this learning.
Our next step will be to find a trained volunteer who can meet with you (online, in-person, by phone) at a time that works for your schedule.
The volunteer will meet with you regularly, provide reading materials, and introduce you to library resources.
For Volunteers
Training is provided by the Westchester Library System. We will show you online and print resources such as News for You and Laubach Assessments and Readers that can be used for reading encouragement. If you are interested in becoming a reaching coach, please email readbetter@wlsmail.org or leave a message at (914) 231-3264.