Get Started
English Classes
A number of free and low-cost classes are available in Westchester. Including several formal classes and conversation programs at local libraries.
Read Better
Partner with a volunteer to help you read better. An excellent program for native English-language speakers or English-language learners that seek to improve existing reading skills. We provide the materials and encouragement – you provide the time. Contact our program coordinator to learn more.
Develop Your Skills
Listed below are some of the resources we use in tutoring. Most can be accessed independently. If you need help accessing any of these materials or don’t have a library card – contact us using the links at the bottom of this page.
Interactive Learning
- Learning Upgrade – Ideal for building reading, math, and digital literacy skills. Use the placement test option to get to know the program and then go ahead and gather your medals – bronze, silver, and gold.
Video Courses
Reading Materials
Want to find just the right book to read? You can borrow lots of different things from your library. Your local library can make suggestions to match your interests and skills; or you can contact the Read Better program for recommendations.
- Southwest ABE – Simple timed stories and questions to test your understanding.
- Comic Books from Library Pass – Graphic fiction – novels, comic books, memories – are a fun way to build both your vocabulary skills and your practice in interpreting images. These comics are NOT just for kids! (Library card needed)
- X-Plain Patient Education Health Tutorials – Plain language explanations of more than 1400 health topics.
- News For You – A weekly newspaper that includes quizzes and puzzles; access by contacting our Read Better program.
- The Times in Plain English – The New York Times with shorter sentences and simpler vocabulary.
- Tumblebooks Library– From fairytales to nonfiction, use Tumblebooks to read-a-long as a story is read to you
Master Your Skills
As you gain confidence and experience reading, go forth and apply it to what interests you most.
- WLS eResources – Find ebooks, audio-books, complete classes from The Great Courses series, and much more.
- Earning a high school diploma – You’ll need a 9th-grade reading level and 8th-grade math level to make quick progress in any high school equivalency preparation program. Let us help you assess your readiness. See our program and resources here.
- Go to College – Plan your next steps with these resources – from picking a school to paying for it.
- Get a (new) job – Our Job Search Coach and Job Search Toolkit can guide you through every step to get where you want to go.